This project is funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration fundfemale victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation
Siamo stati liete di comunicare formalmente l’avvio del progetto per supportare le donne migranti vittime di tratta.
Il progetto si concentra sull’integrazione delle donne trafficate che escono dallo sfruttamento sessuale. Questa iniziativa tiene conto della dimensione di genere del traffico in Europa e dei danni e dei traumi specifici di genere associati al traffico finalizzato allo sfruttamento sessuale. Scopo del progetto è fornire una serie di servizi di supporto alle donne quali: consulenza legale, informazioni e supporto nell’accesso all’assistenza materiale (sociale e finanziaria).
L ‘importanza dell’assistenza specifica per il genere è riconosciuta dal diritto dell’UE.
What is ASSIST?
A project led by Be Free Social Cooperative (IT),
Project leader: the Immigrant Council of I reland ( EC AMIF – 821581 )
The purpose of the project is to develop and deliver gender specific legal assistance, information and support to female third country national victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation in order to contribute towards their integration in participating EU member states and other EU States. The project benefits the integration of trafficking sexually abused migrant women.
Contact us via phone or emails:
Be Free Coop. Sociale
Via della Lungara, 19
00165 Roma
0039 06 64760799
Who are the services for?
Migrant (third country national) women (incl. transgender women) who have experienced human trafficking and from sexual abuse/exploitation. The services will prioritise victims with special needs (as defined in the Anti-Trafficking Directives)
What do the services include?
The services are adapted to the individual circumstances and gender- specific needs of the women. The services include:
• Assistance with identification as a victim of crime in Italy and liaison with the investigation and immigrationauthorities
• Assistance with immigration and family matters (women who are mothers of children will be assisted as familyunits)
• Legal advice and advocacy support for access to material assistance, housing, education and labour marketopportunities
• Services will be informed by the voices of female survivors of humantrafficking.
Who will provide the services?
Be Free Social Cooperative against trafficking, violences, discriminations, that manages Antiviolence and Antitrafficking Shelters and Services in several Italian Regions, also organizing campaigns, events, communications, fighting against stereotypes and prejudices in the social perception of the women, the migrants, the “others”.
We work on this project in partnership with organisations in Ireland, Bonn, Barcelona, Glasgow. Our work is in collaboration with the European Network of Migrant Women: